



Accuracy & Industry Leading Quality

While working at a cardiology clinic in Florida in 2004, I realized that there was a significant market for online medical transcription services specifically targeted at private practices and clinicians. Transcription is the process of converting recorded audio to medical records. Physicians recorded audio using phones and recorders, which was then sent to a documentation service to create medical reports.

While the cost of acquiring new customers was very high, the revenue per client was encouraging and recurring. Both scale and margins had strong potential for optimization by modernizing workflows. Also from my experience implementing an Electronic Medical Records system, I knew that we were at least 5-10 years away from creating digital health records natively and mass adoption would take even longer. 

So, I quickly put together a small web app and fulfillment contracts with a couple of vendors to test the idea. My first few customers loved it and that is how i-Script Inc. came into existence. 

Over the next few years, we built the business steadily, with an increase in profits year on year and almost no long-term liabilities. I am near-fanatical about customer experience, so we established strong fulfillment and support processes, resulting in industry-leading quality and a loyal base of customers.

The little web app I initially put together grew into two full products – a document management system for our customers called Scriptase and a transcription production management system called Scriptase ONE, that we licensed to vendors.

I sold the company in 2014, to go back to school.

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